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Frankenstein's Monster
00:00 / 01:09

Courageous golfers, welcome! I am Frankenstein’s Monster, a creation assembled from various parts, and this is my lovely Bride. We’ve descended from our isolated castle in the Alps of Switzerland to join you on your golfing journey.

Much like how my Bride and I were pieced together and brought to life with a jolt of electricity, you’ll need to piece together your best score on this hole.

Each of you will take your own tee shots. As a team, you will select the ball with the best lie and move the other golfers' balls to that location. Everyone will then hit from there. Again, as a team, you will select the ball with the best lie and move the other golfers' balls to that spot for the next shot. Continue this process until you hole out. In the end, your score will be the total number of strokes it took to complete the hole, using the best shots you’ve selected.

This format of play is called a scramble. Just as I was assembled from a bunch of scrambled parts, so you too shall assemble your best performance.

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