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Ready to bring a little love and laughter to your golf event? Whether it’s for couples, friends, or teammates, this game is all about spreading joy and sharing a unique and fun experience on the greens!
Our 9-hole golf game is inspired by classic Valentine's Day cards and feature adorable animal hosts!
Each hole features a delightful character—like Celeste the Cupid, Flora and Romeo the lovebirds, and Hugo the lucky hippo—who bring their own whimsical challenges and creative scoring rules to your round.
Whether you’re aiming for Cupid’s bullseye, leaping with joy, or sealing your score with a kiss, every hole is a celebration of love, laughter, and friendly competition. Bring the Valentine’s spirit to your course and make this holiday truly unforgettable!
Special Signs
Golf event coordinator posts one Valentine Game sign at the tee box of each hole.
The game is designed for 9 holes of play.
We offer suggestions on how to expand the game to 18 holes if needed. -
When teams arrive at the tee box, they scan the QR code on the sign and receive a video greeting by Cupid or Animal host explaining the scoring rules for the hole.
Scoring rules are also written on the sign as well.
Each hole has a different set of rules to add variety to the game.

Game Play
You Suit Me To A Tee! is a great way to bring love & joy to golfers at your course.
Excellent for mixed ability groups.
Sample Videos:​
Click on Video to Hear Audio

Teams aim to achieve the lowest total score across all holes.
Scores are calculated based on the conditions specified on each sign at the respective holes.
Game Conclusion:
After completing all holes, teams tally their scores to determine the winner.
Digital downloads to print water bottle labels, pennants, placemats and chocolate bar labels are included in your purchase.

Advertising Your Event:
You will receive digital files to create your own advertisements -Poster, Social Media Posts (Note, digital items will be sent after your payment is processed.)

Easy to Use Templates to Make
Your Own Social Media Post/Advertisements
Just Add Your Own Information!

*Pro Version (Durable Corrugated Signs)
9-Hole Option
*Budget-Friendly Version - Print at Home - Same High Quality Game
9-Hole Option

You Suit Me To A Tee!
Golf Outing
*Shipping Costs have already been included in cost.
(1) - Directions
(10) - 18" x 24" Corrugated Game Signs with H - Stakes
Digital Images for your own advertisements and decorations.
Golfers can record their team score using the course's score card, but along with your digital items, we will also send you a Valentine's Day themed score card you can print if you would like.
*Digital items will come via e-mail after purchase has cleared.
Please note, because we are sending you digital items, this is a non-refundable item.

You Suit Me To A Tee!
Golf Outing
(High Quality Digital Version
for You to Print)
(1) - Directions
(9 Hole) - Game Signs - Send to you in DIGITAL FORMAT for you to print.
8.5" x 11" Letter, 8.5" x 14" Legal, and 17" x 11" Ledger - versions are provided with your purchase. -
Digital Images for your own advertisements and decorations.
*Digital items will come via e-mail after purchase has cleared.
Please note, because we are sending you digital items, this is a non-refundable item.