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Bear - Pancakes
00:00 / 01:10
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A hearty breakfast is super important to the bears, and there is nothing like fluffy golden pancakes to start their day! Cindy Bear is always the first one awake and kicks things off by getting the campfire going. She whips up the pancake batter mix, brought by one of her bear friends. After the griddle warms up, she cooks the pancakes to perfection. The aroma of freshly cooking pancakes wafts through the campsite, waking up all the bears with growling tummies. Cindy will top the bears’ pancakes with Roger’s wild blue berries and for an extra sweet treat, Doug Bear is bringing along a special bear-favorite, and bee created item to pour over those yummy pancakes!"

Need a Little Hint?
Cindy did not bring the pancake mix, another bear did.
Doug brought the honey.

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